Good Day Saints!
This is a REMINDER that starting this Sunday, you will have the option to Zoom into the Worship Services. It is our prayer that this interactive component will provide a way for you to feel more connected to your fellow worshipers.
1. Audio and Video – You must enable live video (No avatars) and audio
2. Your Visual Background – Is it appropriate? Is it free from distractions (People or objects moving around in the background)
3. Background Noise – Should be in a place not subject to nearby noises
4. Your Appearance – Dressed (Casual wear is fine)
5. Worship Items – Bibles (In silent mode if electronic), Communion Elements, etc. should be near and easily accessible
Social Media Participation Disclosure and Consent SSMBC will mute or block any unwanted, distracting, or inappropriate video. This meeting is being recorded and will be broadcast across various Social Media platforms. By joining this meeting, you are consenting to having the images displayed on your video, recorded and shown over Social Media.